De Noordzee kust

2 reacties op “De Noordzee kust

  1. Thank you for your response Vicki and how recognizable it is what you write!
    I was born and spent my youth by the sea where nature was still really nature.
    Unfortunately, after 74 years there is little left of it.
    My birthplace now overlooks the largest port in the world with a lot of smoking and suffocating petrochemical industries.
    It is not much different where we have lived for almost 40 years now.
    Then just a village, now an ever-expanding city.
    But yes, it is no wonder, after all, our beautiful and vulnerable earth is getting busier.

  2. The image of Texel in North Holland reminds me of the wonderful sand dunes we ran up and down in my childhood. Alas, much has eroded and been replaced with boardwalks in the more local suburban beaches around Melbourne.

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